Grasses & Lilies

Grasses & Lilies

In the Gilberton Woodland and Gilberton Grassland we have many local species of clumping grasses and lilies, both of which have long thin strappy leaves with parallel veins.

They generally grow in clumps (tussocks) with other plants growing in between them (inter-tussocks).

All of the grasses and some of the lilies are perennial (long lived and always above ground). However, many of the lilies die back to tubers over summer, to re-sprout with autumn rains.

They are important habitat plants for many of our smaller wildlife.  The lilies in flower can be spectacular, especially in early spring.

Our native Sun Orchids  imitate our spring flowering lilies to attract native bees.  (The Sun Orchids don’t produce any nectar or pollen as a reward for the bees visiting them as the lilies etc do.  Instead  the orchids rely on bees visiting them by mistake when they are attracted to nearby flowers.)