Since 2000, the community-based Vale Park Our Patch (VPOP) has been working to preserve, enhance, record and promote our “Nearby Nature” along sections of the River Torrens Linear Park at Vale Park and Gilberton (inner city suburbs of Adelaide, South Australia), including reintroducing over 20 species of native orchids back onto the Adelaide Plains.
At VPOP we love beautiful photographs. We hope you enjoy browsing through these galleries of our wonderful plants, hard-to-capture wildlife and our fascinating fungi which contain photos from all our sites. We also have many suburb-specific nature galleries in the Vale Park & Gilberton sections. Clicking or touching the gallery photographs gives information about the subject.
Group: On site working bees are the 1st & 3rd Monday mornings of the month at Vale Park and the 1st & 3rd Fridays at Gilberton (morning tea provided). Community events 2017: Public talk “The Vital Importance of Fungi” (30.6), VPOP talk @ Sustainable Markets (19.8), our Orchid-viewing Open Days (probably 26.8. & 17.9.17). Visitors and children (with accompanying adult) are always welcome.
Since 2000, Vale Park Our Patch has planted more than 30,000 locally native plants of at least 200 different species (60 of conservation significance), including at least 20,000 that VPOP have propagated themselves. We have also developed many educational biodiversity resources for Vale Park Primary and other schools.
Since 2008, VPOP have been developing the wonderful new Wildflower Walk near the Ascot Avenue Road Bridge, which has over 100 species of labelled wildflowers and grasses, including over 20 species of native orchids which had almost vanished from the Adelaide Plains (only 1 remnant species out of over 100 prior to European settlement)!