  • WOW! rescued native orchids for VPOP

    A HUGE THANKYOU to SA Water for donating 16 pots of rescued Kangaroo Creek Reservoir native orchids for immediate planting on sites at VPOP, including this lovely flowering Helmet Orchid (which pretends to be a gilled mushroom to attract pollinating fungus flies!).


    We have finally installed our new information sign in the Gilberton Woodland, our large dispensing sign on the Wildflower Walk (pictured) and one of the 2 smaller directional  signs also on the Wildflower Walk.

  • VPOP visit’s Marianne’s remnant Grey Box Woodland

    On a sunny afternoon on 8.5.17,  VPOP members visited Marianne & John’s new Blackwood home among the the gum trees for lunch & a tour of their ‘backyard’ – a  hillslope of remnant grassy woodland! 

  • Native orchids are sprouting on our Wildflower Walk from late April 2017

    We have  noticed the first of 2017’s native orchids sprouting on the Wildflower Walk including the little rosettes of the Blunt Greenhood (Pterostylis curta, pictured on 25.4.17) in a number patches. 

  • Pink Fairy Orchids donated to Borthwick Park

    At our Gilberton Open Day on Saturday 28th August 2016, Andrew from the Kensington Residents Association, accepted our donation of a clump of Pink Fairies orchids to be transplanted to Borthwick Park, to help with their reintroduction of the Pink Fairies there.

  • Rescued Native Orchids planted at Gilberton

    On 4.8.15,  in the Gilberton Woodland,  Ann, Catherine & Heather carefully planted out 11 pots of native orchids rescued from Kangaroo Creek Reservoir . Thanks mostly to Ann and Cathryn’s good efforts, we were very pleased at how well the orchids looked after planting, 

  • WOW! rescued native orchids for VPOP

    A HUGE THANKYOU to SA Water for donating 16 pots of rescued Kangaroo Creek Reservoir native orchids for immediate planting on sites at VPOP, including this lovely flowering Helmet Orchid (which pretends to be a gilled mushroom to attract pollinating fungus flies!).


    We have finally installed our new information sign in the Gilberton Woodland, our large dispensing sign on the Wildflower Walk (pictured) and one of the 2 smaller directional  signs also on the Wildflower Walk.

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About VPOP

Vale Park Our Patch (VPOP) is a community-based native revegetation and environmental education project along the banks of the River Torrens in Adelaide, South Australia.

Since 2000, Vale Park Our Patch has planted more than 30,000 locally native plants of at least 200 different species (60 of conservation significance), including at least 20,000 that VPOP have propagated themselves. We have also developed many educational biodiversity resources for Vale Park Primary and other schools.

Since 2008, VPOP have been developing the wonderful new Wildflower Walk near the Ascot Avenue Road Bridge, which has over 100 species of labelled wildflowers and grasses, including over 20 species of native orchids which had almost vanished from the Adelaide Plains (only 1 remnant species out of over 100 prior to European settlement)!


June VPOP on-site dates have changed due to clashes with Rose’s Fungi lessons with Vale Park Primary School students and a focus on preparing the Wildflower Walk for the Fungi Foray on 2nd July 2017. New dates listed below:

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